April 29, 2024

Understanding the Science Behind Shockwave Therapy Treatment


Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment for pain that uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. It is a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of conditions, including tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and tennis elbow. While it is still a relatively new treatment, shockwave therapy has been shown to be a promising alternative to more invasive procedures.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work

Shockwave therapy works by delivering high-energy sound waves to the affected area. These sound waves stimulate the body’s natural healing process by increasing blood flow to the area, promoting tissue regeneration, and reducing inflammation. This process helps to relieve pain and promote healing.

During the procedure, a handheld device is placed on the skin over the affected area. The device then delivers a series of high-energy sound waves to the area, targeting the damaged tissue. The entire procedure typically lasts between 15-30 minutes and may require several sessions depending on the severity of the condition being treated.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

One of the biggest benefits of shockwave therapy is that it is a non-invasive treatment option. Unlike surgery or other invasive procedures, there is no cutting or incisions involved in shockwave therapy. This means that patients can experience relief from pain without the risks and complications associated with more invasive procedures.

Another benefit of shockwave therapy is that it is a targeted treatment option. The high-energy sound waves are directed specifically at the damaged tissue, allowing for more precise treatment and faster healing times. Additionally, shockwave therapy has been shown to be effective at treating chronic conditions that have not responded well to other forms of treatment.

What to Expect During Shockwave Therapy

During shockwave therapy, patients can expect to feel some discomfort or pressure in the area being treated. However, this discomfort is typically mild and short-lived, with most patients reporting little to no pain during the procedure.

After the procedure, patients may experience some soreness or swelling in the affected area. However, this is typically a sign that the body’s natural healing process is at work and should subside within a few days.

It is important to note that shockwave therapy is not a one-time treatment. Most patients require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. The number of sessions required will depend on the severity of the condition being treated and the individual needs of the patient.


Shockwave therapy treatment is a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of conditions, including tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and tennis elbow. This non-invasive treatment uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing process, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing pain and inflammation.

One of the biggest benefits of shockwave therapy is that it is a targeted treatment option, allowing for more precise treatment and faster healing times. Additionally, shockwave therapy has been shown to be effective at treating chronic conditions that have not responded well to other forms of treatment. If one is experiencing pain and discomfort from a musculoskeletal condition, shockwave therapy may be a viable treatment option.